Tenant Directory

If you are looking for a business at the Commonwealth Commerce Center, this is where you'll find it. This comprehensive tenant directory provides you with business names, contacts, phone numbers, and suite numbers. If you would like to be a tenant here, please feel free to contact us today or call us at (517) 784-0059 to learn how!

M. Janice Guefreund, PH. D., P. C.

Contact: M. Janice Gutfreund
209 E. Washington Ave. Suite 253 Jackson MI 49201 Work Phone: 734-417-7851

Biographical Info

With more than 25 years of dedicated experience, Janice Gutfreund has established herself as a highly esteemed psychologist in private practice. Specializing in psychotherapy and consultation, she provides invaluable support to individuals in the late adolescent, adult, and senior stages of life. While maintaining a versatile practice, she also has a passion for trauma-related issues, where her expertise and extensive background shine through. Additionally, she prides herself on being an advocate and ally for members of sexual minority communities, creating a safe and inclusive space for individuals seeking her services. To learn more, contact Janice today.

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