Tenant Directory

If you are looking for a business at the Commonwealth Commerce Center, this is where you'll find it. This comprehensive tenant directory provides you with business names, contacts, phone numbers, and suite numbers. If you would like to be a tenant here, please feel free to contact us today or call us at (517) 784-0059 to learn how!

Heart to Heart Hospice

Contact: Michelle Newton
209 E. Washington Ave Suite 160 Jackson MI 49201 Work Phone: 517-580-7530

Biographical Info

Heart to Heart Hospice is driven by a clear mission: to make a difference by providing compassionate care that enhances the quality of life for individuals facing life-limiting illnesses and their loved ones. This philosophy guides our approach and actions in all aspects of our work. We hold dear Our Heart’s Desires, which encapsulate our core values. These include delivering compassionate care, providing excellent customer service, swiftly responding to patients’ needs, maintaining professionalism at all times, being present during critical moments, striving for excellence, showing respect to all individuals, meeting or exceeding industry standards, addressing emotional and spiritual needs, upholding integrity, demonstrating dedication to patients and families, and fostering teamwork and support among our staff. To learn more, contact Michelle Newton today.

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